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The actual transaction

Ministry of Transportation website popular searches No. 1 floating! "The actual transaction apartment"
The Ministry of Transportation conducted using smartphones to provide information to help the people what they want apartments actual transaction (sale, jeonwolse) information anytime, anywhere access more quickly and accurately.

Apartments offers only for actual transaction was a public mobile services (marketing and jeonwolse actual transaction a) a single / multi-family housing, coalition / multi-unit housing to expand to conduct the service.

Search and concern only the desired area of ​​the apartment complex by actual transaction via registration (town / side / East), single / multi-family housing, coalition / multi-family homes (for sale, jeonwolse) information can be found easily.

[main function]
- Apartments by actual transaction only through the desired area of ​​local search (town / side / East), you can check the information.

- Single / Multi-Family Home, coalition / multi-family houses, you can see the actual transaction information.

- Interest only, you can check the actual transaction information directly without separate search via registration.

- Geumaekbyeol / search function in the area sigungu only the amount corresponding to the section / area zone can be retrieved from the unit.

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