The app is terminal application, it can transaction data between Bluetooth device.
it's can save all send and receive data to file.
file save in /sdcard/********.log
******** is yyyyMMdd.
description for setup in menu
Display hexadecimal : show data of hexadecimal format.
Send hexadecimal : sned hexadecimal text. ex, "ABC 39 30", client will receive "ABC90". hex 39 = "9" hex 30 = "0".
Append newline(rn) : sent data append newline automatically.
Keep screen on : keep the screen on.
note :
1.Your data must have a newline. the APP is relying newline to display data.
2.This application is reprograming of BluetoothChat. that's sample code of
it's can save all send and receive data to file.
file save in /sdcard/********.log
******** is yyyyMMdd.
description for setup in menu
Display hexadecimal : show data of hexadecimal format.
Send hexadecimal : sned hexadecimal text. ex, "ABC 39 30", client will receive "ABC90". hex 39 = "9" hex 30 = "0".
Append newline(rn) : sent data append newline automatically.
Keep screen on : keep the screen on.
note :
1.Your data must have a newline. the APP is relying newline to display data.
2.This application is reprograming of BluetoothChat. that's sample code of
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