Syngenta Digital Protector Sco icon

Syngenta Digital Protector Sco

Syngenta Digital
50+ downloads

About Syngenta Digital Protector Sco

Protector is a digital tool that makes agronomic decisions easier and faster; supporting growers with precision monitoring, visualization and analysis.

Protector Scouting enables simplified monitoring of key agronomic data and speeds up the visualization and analysis of the results. Currently, there are more than 4 million hectares worldwide that are monitored using Protector technology. The Scouting application works seamlessly with analysis and management tools: Protector and Protector Web Panel. Together, they put insight and decision power in the hands of growers and agronomists.

Key features:

- Monitor pests, weeds & diseases alongside parameters of crop quality and evolution, allowing growers to closely monitor the real situation on farm;

- Register growth stages and follow the evolution of the crop;

- Inspect and manage Rain Gauges, Traps and other Fixed Points;

- Take soil samples and record various on-field notes or annotations;

- Complete spray application registration;

- List of tasks for field technicians, with geo-referencing;

- Offline capability allows data collection and synchronized when there is a connection.

Protector Scouting can be used on tablets and/or mobile phones. Get better performance by regularly updating your app.

To use the apps, you must be a Protector customer.

Syngenta Digital Protector Sco Screenshots