Promotion is an attempt to notify or offer a product or service with the aim of attracting potential customers to buy or consume it. With the promotion of producers or distributors expecting an increase in sales figures.
Promotional goals include:
1. Disseminate product information to potential target markets
2. To get an increase in sales and profit / profit
3. To get new customers and maintain customer loyalty
4. To maintain sales stability when there is a sluggish market
5. Differentiate and favor products compared to competing products
6. Form a product image in the eyes of consumers as desired.
7. Changing consumer behavior and opinions.
Promotional goals include:
1. Disseminate product information to potential target markets
2. To get an increase in sales and profit / profit
3. To get new customers and maintain customer loyalty
4. To maintain sales stability when there is a sluggish market
5. Differentiate and favor products compared to competing products
6. Form a product image in the eyes of consumers as desired.
7. Changing consumer behavior and opinions.
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