Staircase Calculator, Imperial icon

Staircase Calculator, Imperial

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About Staircase Calculator, Imperial

A convenient and very easy to use calculator to obtain the baluster spacings between newel posts or any project that requires even spacings.

The stair angle is obtained automatically. Place your mobile device along the incline of the stairs and register the displayed degrees by conveniently tapping the arrow button provided. This will transfer the value to the angle entry box, so no more awkward elevation measurements and spirit levels.

When you have completed filling in the 4 entry boxes then tap on the "Calculate" button to show the results with a list of baluster positions adjusted for the slope.

You may need to tweak the regulation maximum spacing, defaulting at 4 inches, to take into account turned spindles with tapering profiles.

It should be noted that the underlying algorithm works out best fit. Under certain circumstances you are invited to adjust the maximum regulation width slightly and recalculate to perhaps reduce by one or perhaps add another baluster. Bear in mind that the legal maximum is usually 4 inches in the USA or 100mm in the UK

Staircase Calculator, Imperial Screenshots