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Insane Earplane

Acoustic Pioneer, Ltd.
100+ downloads

About Insane Earplane

Your local audiologist or speech-language specialist can assess whether this game is right for your child or for an adult with a brain injury. If you think that your child has listening, language or learning problems that might be related to auditory processing, visit your local audiologist or speech-language pathologist and recommend acoustic pioneer to get your child's auditory processing abilities tested.

If your specialist has already supplied you with a code, install this game and enter the code once you run the game.

For the professional:
This game is an auditory training exercise that is designed to incrementally improve the player's ability to hear and distinguish a range of different tonal patterns, follow changes of sounds between ears, and follow changes of pitch. These skills are indicated by several studies to be important for developing general language understanding, phonemic awareness, supra-segmental language understanding, and reading skills. These auditory skills are thought to occur in the area of the cortical hemispheres of the brain prior to the neural information reaching the language centers. It is thought that most of these skills occur in the right hemisphere on most individuals prior to being transferred through the corpus collosum to the left hemisphere where most individuals hold the language processing areas.

Insane Earplane Screenshots