Carto_Flash_Prof_SDLV_BELGIQUE icon


Jacques MUNIGA
10+ downloads

About Carto_Flash_Prof_SDLV_BELGIQUE

Belgium digital version ....
This is the other country's sketches and diagrams of geography ... ..
It is also the country of Bernadette Mérenne-Schoumaker, Belgian geographer, honorary professor and guest professor at the Department of Geography of the University of Liège, specialist in economic geography and didactics of geography, author of the famous book «Didactics» of geography ".
Bernadette Mérenne-Schoumaker who is one of the authors of the Hachette geography textbooks for the 2nd and 1st classes, program 2019. Textbooks that have focused on geography sketches and diagrams in the same way as the Hatier textbooks ( it's the same group!).
It is for these reasons that, as part of my digital productions, I make available free of charge this software which:
1) can produce in two, three clicks statistical maps
2) makes it possible to present four different cards on a screen so that they can be compared, analyzed
3) allows to superimpose on the maps thus created layers to "fix" the main elements of the Brazilian space (cities, ports, migrations ....)
4) allows drawing with the full range of drawing software on these maps to draw sketches or explanatory diagrams
5) superimposes a real physical map with its relief
 6) makes it possible to produce hundreds of different cards thanks to its integrated statistical database.
This completely free software can be seen online with a browser that supports Flash, but it can also be downloaded for free for Windows or Mac as well as for all Android devices (tablet, smartphone ...).
Test it for your course preparation; use it during your classes; for your revisions or to discover Belgium, it is to adopt it .......

Carto_Flash_Prof_SDLV_BELGIQUE Screenshots