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About 中華語文大辭典

In order to implement the concept of the White Paper on the Cross-Strait Co-edited Chinese Dictionary of President Ma Ying-jeou's 2008 Cultural Policy, the Chinese Culture Association invited hundreds of scholars and experts from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to jointly compile the Dictionary of Chinese Language. After six years of hard work, it was finally completed. More than 100,000 entries, more than 10 million words, and successfully paid.

In terms of content, the dictionary is mainly about descriptive, versatile and practical, and objectively describes the pronunciation, meaning and usage of the received words and words, in order to help readers correctly understand and apply modern Chinese.

In terms of collecting words, the dictionary mainly uses commonly used words, words and fixed phrases that are commonly used on both sides of the strait. The words of the two sides of the strait, such as the existing glyphs, sound readings and different meanings, are used to seek common ground, different ways, and different ways to make the language of the two sides. Communication is smooth and accessible. In addition, some of the unique vocabulary of each side of the strait will be released to understand each other.

The project was launched in early 2010. The former member of the National Language Council of the Ministry of Education, Professor Li Wei, formed an editorial team to collaborate with the China Chinese Dictionary Society and invited experts from both sides to jointly edit and review. The dictionary contains 88,728 common words, polyphonic words and fixed phrases on the two sides of the strait, and 101,732 articles; the words of the modern Han nationality are mainly collected, and the words of the two sides are used to reflect the similarities and differences between the two sides of the strait to facilitate cross-strait exchanges. Use with the public and provide foreigners with the opportunity to learn Chinese.

The entry in this app is derived from https://github.com/g0v/moedict-data-csld, with a total of 101736 in the body, 99224 in the merge, and 60715 in the simplified index.

Support "phonetic", "pinyin" and entry search, and open full-text search.

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