Do you want to download images and videos from Whats App Status of your friends and family? You want to save Whats App Status free of cost and forever? You don't want to take screen shots of Whats App Status of your friends?
If answer of any above question is Yes, Status Saver for Whats app - 2021 is the right app for you. With this app, you can download status with free status downloader app. This is one of the best video status saver app. With this Status saver - download videos & images app, you can download pictures and video status of your friends without asking them. With this best download photos & videos status app, you can save permanently all the images and videos on your mobile permanently. With this HD images and Videos saver app, you can save all images, stories, poetry, texture and streaming videos.
You want to know what you can achieve with this what's App status downloader app?
Here are the Key Features of Free Status Saver for Whats app - 2021
View Saved Stories and status even after 24 hours
1. Awesome Design
2. Download Videos, Images and Gifs on one touch
3. Best Video Player to watch status videos
4. Easily share status to every social media
5. All the status are saved permanently on your phone in Status Saver app for Whats app.
How to Use?
1. View the Desired Status/Story...
2. View that image, video of gif
3. Click the Save Button… That’s it. Isn’t so easy
Rate it if you liked the App Status Saver for Whats app
The "Whats app" or "Whats App" name is copyright to Whats App, inc. This app is in no way affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by Whats App, Inc. We are not responsible for any kind of re-usage of any media downloaded by the user.
If answer of any above question is Yes, Status Saver for Whats app - 2021 is the right app for you. With this app, you can download status with free status downloader app. This is one of the best video status saver app. With this Status saver - download videos & images app, you can download pictures and video status of your friends without asking them. With this best download photos & videos status app, you can save permanently all the images and videos on your mobile permanently. With this HD images and Videos saver app, you can save all images, stories, poetry, texture and streaming videos.
You want to know what you can achieve with this what's App status downloader app?
Here are the Key Features of Free Status Saver for Whats app - 2021
View Saved Stories and status even after 24 hours
1. Awesome Design
2. Download Videos, Images and Gifs on one touch
3. Best Video Player to watch status videos
4. Easily share status to every social media
5. All the status are saved permanently on your phone in Status Saver app for Whats app.
How to Use?
1. View the Desired Status/Story...
2. View that image, video of gif
3. Click the Save Button… That’s it. Isn’t so easy
Rate it if you liked the App Status Saver for Whats app
The "Whats app" or "Whats App" name is copyright to Whats App, inc. This app is in no way affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by Whats App, Inc. We are not responsible for any kind of re-usage of any media downloaded by the user.
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