***This application sets the picture as wallpaper with/without resizing.***
***Select a picture from the gallery, ==>>>tap on <<<== it and set it as wallpaper.***
***Select the picture in the gallery and "share" it with Mess via bluetooth/WiFi.***
***Hight resolutin pictures!***
***All your faverite "Keep Calm" wallpaper pictures for Drivers, players and lovers for cars. ***
***You can set as wallpaper, share or send to a friend***
***Hight resolutin pictures!
***Play with your favorite cars: mercedes, audi, bmw, ferrari, lamborghini, mustang, skyline, porsche, opel, vw, saab***
***Select a picture from the gallery, ==>>>tap on <<<== it and set it as wallpaper.***
***Select the picture in the gallery and "share" it with Mess via bluetooth/WiFi.***
***Hight resolutin pictures!***
***All your faverite "Keep Calm" wallpaper pictures for Drivers, players and lovers for cars. ***
***You can set as wallpaper, share or send to a friend***
***Hight resolutin pictures!
***Play with your favorite cars: mercedes, audi, bmw, ferrari, lamborghini, mustang, skyline, porsche, opel, vw, saab***
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