A great application for le- Tenses
- Stative verbs
- Infinitives and –ing forms.
- Modal verbs of probability and possibility.
- Future statements using will and other forms of the future .
- Participle adjective.
- Direct and indirect questions.
- Question tag .
- Reporting advice and orders.
- Causative structures .
- Past wishes and regrets .
- Should(n't )+have +past participle .
- Definite and indefinite articles .
- Verbs and prepositions .
- Past forms of modal verbs .
- Countable and uncountable.
- Reduced relative clause with active or passive meanings.
arning English grammar develops from your language abilities
- Stative verbs
- Infinitives and –ing forms.
- Modal verbs of probability and possibility.
- Future statements using will and other forms of the future .
- Participle adjective.
- Direct and indirect questions.
- Question tag .
- Reporting advice and orders.
- Causative structures .
- Past wishes and regrets .
- Should(n't )+have +past participle .
- Definite and indefinite articles .
- Verbs and prepositions .
- Past forms of modal verbs .
- Countable and uncountable.
- Reduced relative clause with active or passive meanings.
arning English grammar develops from your language abilities
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