Logbook for Diabetics that wear an Insulin Pump and a Continuous Glucose Sensor
Help file: http://www.mobiledictionary.co.uk/downloads/help.pdf
When you open the app you will need to enter your personal details.
Personal Details…
Enter personal information and choose imperial or metric for measurements.
A new month log header record will be created. At the beginning of each month this happen automatically and the new month will be active. If you need to enter details into the previous month you need to activate the month from the PREVIOUS MONTHS option.
You will have to change it back to the current month if you don't restart the app.
The date and time on the phone/pad are important for this reason... you should also QUIT the app also after entering data as this runs these start up settings.
Click date and time to set.
The Carbs field is calculated... click ADD to enter foods.
If you have favourite foods added you can enter the description or part description and click FIND.
If not in favourites enter "carbs/oz" and "oz" i.e. portion size. CALC calculates total carbs.. carbs/oz X oz.
ADD will add the food in the top field to favourite foods.
Click date and time to set.
Select the medication from the upper list (if your prescription is entered)
The two fields, Medication and Dose are next to the TAKEN button. These come from the prespcription.
Enter once and click ADD MEDICATION to add to your prescription list.
Click date and time to set.
Enter fields... BMI will be calculated from Height in personal details and weight.
Click date and time to set.
In all screens the click on the list will add the selected to fields or give options to edit or delete the line.
Print Log...
Select the month from the list, then click print.
After printing the file is saved on your SD card as 20129log.csv for september 2012... 201210log.csv for october etc. This is configured to open as columns in Excel... it can be eMailed to your consultant or copied to a PC, USB etc.
Previous Months...
Select previous months data to edit the log.
Backing up your data…
All data files are saved as *.txt files stored in the folder diabeteslog on your sd card. You can open these files and view... the folder can be copied to your PC for a backup.
Help file: http://www.mobiledictionary.co.uk/downloads/help.pdf
When you open the app you will need to enter your personal details.
Personal Details…
Enter personal information and choose imperial or metric for measurements.
A new month log header record will be created. At the beginning of each month this happen automatically and the new month will be active. If you need to enter details into the previous month you need to activate the month from the PREVIOUS MONTHS option.
You will have to change it back to the current month if you don't restart the app.
The date and time on the phone/pad are important for this reason... you should also QUIT the app also after entering data as this runs these start up settings.
Click date and time to set.
The Carbs field is calculated... click ADD to enter foods.
If you have favourite foods added you can enter the description or part description and click FIND.
If not in favourites enter "carbs/oz" and "oz" i.e. portion size. CALC calculates total carbs.. carbs/oz X oz.
ADD will add the food in the top field to favourite foods.
Click date and time to set.
Select the medication from the upper list (if your prescription is entered)
The two fields, Medication and Dose are next to the TAKEN button. These come from the prespcription.
Enter once and click ADD MEDICATION to add to your prescription list.
Click date and time to set.
Enter fields... BMI will be calculated from Height in personal details and weight.
Click date and time to set.
In all screens the click on the list will add the selected to fields or give options to edit or delete the line.
Print Log...
Select the month from the list, then click print.
After printing the file is saved on your SD card as 20129log.csv for september 2012... 201210log.csv for october etc. This is configured to open as columns in Excel... it can be eMailed to your consultant or copied to a PC, USB etc.
Previous Months...
Select previous months data to edit the log.
Backing up your data…
All data files are saved as *.txt files stored in the folder diabeteslog on your sd card. You can open these files and view... the folder can be copied to your PC for a backup.
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