Learn with our Translator in a very easy and intuitive way; Also in this version you will learn twice as much, now they can learn the Chinantec mother tongue of San Lucas Ojitlán and that of San Felipe Usila.
Description: In the menu we classify them into categories, they can click on a category, it will send them to the screen of the selected category; You can click on an image to hear the pronunciation of the image in "Chinanteco" and the text in "Spanish" of the image you clicked will appear shortly; Below each image is the text on how to write them in Chinanteco.
Description: In the menu we classify them into categories, they can click on a category, it will send them to the screen of the selected category; You can click on an image to hear the pronunciation of the image in "Chinanteco" and the text in "Spanish" of the image you clicked will appear shortly; Below each image is the text on how to write them in Chinanteco.
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