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THE BEST care tool health WORLD woman: THE PALM OF HAND!
"I do not use birth control. The App shows the days that I can not have sex?"
Use a contraceptive method is a security for those who do not want to get pregnant. When you do not use a contraceptive the chance of becoming pregnant is very high. Talk to your doctor and choose the contraceptive that best suits you and let the app help to use it.
"Oops! I had relationships. I run the risk of pregnancy? Can I be guided on what to do?"
Emergency contraception, also known as the morning after pill, should be used shortly after the relationship because it is more efficient or up to 72 hours. The app will have the DAILY NOTES every time you made love.
"I know if I have any vaginal inflammation?"
Many women do not know notice the first signs of vaginal inflammation. The app will let you know this function and alert for treatment.
"I will be remembered if my preventive screenings for cervical and breast cancer are up to date?"
A serious problem is not routinely perform the prevention of cervical cancer and breast cancer. Lesions HPV viruses are easily perceived by vaginal examination (cytology and colposcopy). A breast ultrasound and mammography help in preventing breast cancer.
"I know when ovulation occurs and FERTILE PERIOD NOT PREGNANT"
It is not so simple to know or remember the fertile period and it gets harder if the cycle is not regular. Usually one imagines that the fertile period is 14 (fourteenth) day after menstruation, but varies according to the length of the menstrual cycle. The app calculates the fertile period.
"I will know when my menopause?"
This varies from woman to woman. For some menopause may be premature. The app estimates between ages which menopause may occur.
"I know an estimate of how many eggs are left in my ovaries?"
Some tests are used to estimate the ovarian reserve of eggs (AMH - Anti Mullerian Hormone, antral follicle count by ultrasound, clomifenio test). We offer, in a didactic way, a mathematical logic that estimates how many eggs can still be in the ovarian reserve. This is not a certainty, but is based on scores of reports of ovaries removed from women.
"I may have or develop a healthy grocery list for easy shopping?"
We got diseases by unhealthy diets. Cancer, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, infection are some examples. The app will help you make a healthy shopping list with one click. If you want others, you have to enter.
"Can I have a reminder to take water and / or liquids and keep my body and skin hydrated?"
Drink fluids healthy. The human being needs proper hydration to keep important runs as kidney, intestine, liver, skin, mood, memory, immunity, coagulation etc. The app will take care of your hydration.
"I can control my blood pressure?"
Some feel that blood pressure 100x60 or 130x80 are abnormal and that 140/90 is normal. weekly checking the app will guide you when you should seek help.
"I can be guided on important vaccinations for my health?"
Vaccines have protocols established by age and doses that often are not used as recommended. The app will track it for you.
"I may be advised to control my weight?"
Every Monday the app will ask you to verify the weight and inform. It will automatically calculate your BMI and send a message to encourage you in weight control.
What's more, stay updated with our articles and health tips and do a quick search on all you need about gynecological health of women!
THE BEST care tool health WORLD woman: THE PALM OF HAND!
"I do not use birth control. The App shows the days that I can not have sex?"
Use a contraceptive method is a security for those who do not want to get pregnant. When you do not use a contraceptive the chance of becoming pregnant is very high. Talk to your doctor and choose the contraceptive that best suits you and let the app help to use it.
"Oops! I had relationships. I run the risk of pregnancy? Can I be guided on what to do?"
Emergency contraception, also known as the morning after pill, should be used shortly after the relationship because it is more efficient or up to 72 hours. The app will have the DAILY NOTES every time you made love.
"I know if I have any vaginal inflammation?"
Many women do not know notice the first signs of vaginal inflammation. The app will let you know this function and alert for treatment.
"I will be remembered if my preventive screenings for cervical and breast cancer are up to date?"
A serious problem is not routinely perform the prevention of cervical cancer and breast cancer. Lesions HPV viruses are easily perceived by vaginal examination (cytology and colposcopy). A breast ultrasound and mammography help in preventing breast cancer.
"I know when ovulation occurs and FERTILE PERIOD NOT PREGNANT"
It is not so simple to know or remember the fertile period and it gets harder if the cycle is not regular. Usually one imagines that the fertile period is 14 (fourteenth) day after menstruation, but varies according to the length of the menstrual cycle. The app calculates the fertile period.
"I will know when my menopause?"
This varies from woman to woman. For some menopause may be premature. The app estimates between ages which menopause may occur.
"I know an estimate of how many eggs are left in my ovaries?"
Some tests are used to estimate the ovarian reserve of eggs (AMH - Anti Mullerian Hormone, antral follicle count by ultrasound, clomifenio test). We offer, in a didactic way, a mathematical logic that estimates how many eggs can still be in the ovarian reserve. This is not a certainty, but is based on scores of reports of ovaries removed from women.
"I may have or develop a healthy grocery list for easy shopping?"
We got diseases by unhealthy diets. Cancer, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, infection are some examples. The app will help you make a healthy shopping list with one click. If you want others, you have to enter.
"Can I have a reminder to take water and / or liquids and keep my body and skin hydrated?"
Drink fluids healthy. The human being needs proper hydration to keep important runs as kidney, intestine, liver, skin, mood, memory, immunity, coagulation etc. The app will take care of your hydration.
"I can control my blood pressure?"
Some feel that blood pressure 100x60 or 130x80 are abnormal and that 140/90 is normal. weekly checking the app will guide you when you should seek help.
"I can be guided on important vaccinations for my health?"
Vaccines have protocols established by age and doses that often are not used as recommended. The app will track it for you.
"I may be advised to control my weight?"
Every Monday the app will ask you to verify the weight and inform. It will automatically calculate your BMI and send a message to encourage you in weight control.
What's more, stay updated with our articles and health tips and do a quick search on all you need about gynecological health of women!
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