TM App is the first service of its kind in the Middle East
By using TM App you can find thousands of workers and services free of charge and without extra commission
يقدم تطبيق "تم" الخدمة الاولى من نوعها على مستوى الوطن العربي
حيث يقدم لكم الالف العمال و الخدمات مجانا و دون اي رسوم
With TM App you will able to search for all the services available in your city to find the nearest services to you without the need to bother searching hours online or the need for a broker to charge you more
Services available:
Car services, Contracting, Building, Finishing, Glass Technician, Ceramics Technician, Carpenter Technician, Ironsmith Technician,
Installation of water tanks, sanitary contractor, decorative works, thermal insulation installation,
Electric appliance, shelves, home, house workers, cooker, nanny
Cattle Patrol, Satellite Technician, Decoding and Paving, Garden Operator, Upholstery, Special Driver, Pest Control, Air Conditioning Technician, Home Cleaning, Teaching & Institutes
Teaching Arabic Language
English language teaching, massage , home nursing
Medical devices
And many services
TM app, is a new app to find nearest service provider and offer your services.
By using TM App you can find thousands of workers and services free of charge and without extra commission
يقدم تطبيق "تم" الخدمة الاولى من نوعها على مستوى الوطن العربي
حيث يقدم لكم الالف العمال و الخدمات مجانا و دون اي رسوم
With TM App you will able to search for all the services available in your city to find the nearest services to you without the need to bother searching hours online or the need for a broker to charge you more
Services available:
Car services, Contracting, Building, Finishing, Glass Technician, Ceramics Technician, Carpenter Technician, Ironsmith Technician,
Installation of water tanks, sanitary contractor, decorative works, thermal insulation installation,
Electric appliance, shelves, home, house workers, cooker, nanny
Cattle Patrol, Satellite Technician, Decoding and Paving, Garden Operator, Upholstery, Special Driver, Pest Control, Air Conditioning Technician, Home Cleaning, Teaching & Institutes
Teaching Arabic Language
English language teaching, massage , home nursing
Medical devices
And many services
TM app, is a new app to find nearest service provider and offer your services.
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