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Donation Stations

IJ Apps
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About Donation Stations

With recent events, shelters are in great need of donations and resources to accommodate the homeless and those in need.
Unfortunately, worldwide about 795 million people do not have access to enough food while restaurants waste 500 million tons each year.

Donation Stations solves that problem by making it easier than ever for homeless and food shelters to collect donations for those who need it most.

WHAT IT DOES: What the app does is find restaurants & stores willing to donate and connect them to shelters who require aid, allowing for them to communicate with each other and request or offer donations.
WHO IT IS FOR: Shelters, restaurants, stores

With your help, we can fight against homelessness and hunger by taking perfectly-fine, yet often wasted items and donate them to those in need.
If you own or work at a shelter, restaurant, or store, download the app to do some good today!

--- How it works ---
- Signing up takes less than a minute because there is very little information to fill in!
- When signed in to the app, shelters can view a list and map of restaurants in their area that are willing to donate food and other items. With a tap, they can then send that restaurant a donation request along with a custom message. They can also call the manager of the restaurant, to discuss with them, all without ever having to exit the app!
- Restaurants/stores get notified of donation requests from shelters and can view details about the shelter, such as the number of people they expect to serve or when the donation is needed. After this, they can choose to accept or decline the donation, and the shelter will get notified.
- Additionally, restaurants/stores can offer donations to a shelter even without receiving a request. Once this happens, the shelter will get notified and can kindly accept or decline the donation offer.
- When a donation offer has been accepted, the status shows up as “Pending Pickup” in the shelter’s app and once they have fully received the donation, it gets marked as “Completed” and saved in a list of past donations.

--- Donation Points ---
To incentivize making donations, restaurants are given “donation points” for making donations to shelters based on the time it took them to respond to a request and the size/quantity of the donation.
The top 5 donors are displayed on the home page of other shelters and stores in the area, to promote the donors for being the change in the community.
Restaurants also have the option to make their name anonymous if they do not want to be displayed on the leaderboard.

--- Donation Stations ---
Donation Stations has the potential to do a lot of good worldwide, taking the millions of tons of fine food that is wasted and providing it to those who desperately need aid.

With shelters more vulnerable now than ever, they need donations and supplies to feed and house the homeless.
So, download Donation Stations, and together, we can be the difference that millions of people need.

----- Donation Stations best in the nation!!! -----

Donation Stations Screenshots