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الدليل - Aldalil

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About الدليل - Aldalil

Al-Daleel is a classified ads platform that provides its advertising and marketing services to all users and visitors in the Middle East countries.

Provide visitors and customers with the contact information they want, information about products and company offers for free, add your company to the directory.

Business Directory is the largest and most widespread in Turkey and the Middle East on the Internet, (Our Companies Directory) is the best source for finding contact information for companies in Turkey, and it is the fastest growing day to communicate with companies, and provides you with the best easy solutions to spread, increase your sales and attract new customers for your business

In turn, it effectively connects buyers and sellers; To enable them to buy and sell, or obtain a service or even a job, in addition to the value of vacant job offers and services that are traded on the platform. We at the directory work to make the buying and selling process easier and faster than the usual method; Where the platform is designed to be safe and available to all without exception, whether the user represents himself as an individual or a company, and the directory contributes to serving all customers by helping them complete sales, buying, advertising or searching for a service or a vacancy, to become the first choice for Arab users in Turkey and the region The Middle East; As we provide our services in most countries of the world, and strive to provide a safe and reliable online advertising environment, aiming to connect sellers with buyers and vice versa, directly without the need for an intermediary or paying commission through existing lists and classifications such as: vehicles, cars, real estate, electronics , video games, mobile phones, furniture, clothing and fashion, books and magazines and various types of services and sectors as well. Our vision is to enable individuals and companies to make a profit by creating good economic opportunities with their returns, fulfilling desires and meeting needs.

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