Iraq now
Iraq news moment by moment
Be the first to know and receive the latest breaking news in Saudi Arabia.
All the breaking news in your hands and in all fields: political news, economic news, sports news and various other fields.
Iraq breaking news provides you with a bouquet of breaking news from various leading and reliable news sites.
Advanced notifications enable you to reach the latest news according to your interests. You can enable or disable notifications at any time.
Follow topics in your favorite interests and receive daily new news about your favorite topics.
In the end, do not forget to rate the application and send your suggestions to develop the application for the better.
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Iraq News is a comprehensive application for websites and newspapers of interest to the citizens, the affairs of the Kingdom and daily life, in addition to an immediate and quick transfer of urgent and important options.
The application includes a very large group of sources, headed by Sabq newspaper, Al-Riyadh newspaper, Al-Watan newspaper, urgent newspaper, Al-Madina newspaper, Okaz newspaper, Al-Arabiya channel and other newspapers and channels in the most powerful application of news in the Arab world and Saudi Arabia.
Iraq Now is the first complete application for the news of the largest Saudi newspapers. It enables you to follow the news and display it in an appropriate and complete presentation (without repeating the news), including pictures and videos in full, not summaries like other applications.
- Iraq News enables you to follow the news of websites, newspapers and newspapers:
And it is easy for you to share on social sites.
- News can be shared via social networks, your e-mail, bluetooth or SMS
- This application is completely different from all other applications in terms of news speed and downloading the full news, not just quotes.
Iraq news moment by moment
Be the first to know and receive the latest breaking news in Saudi Arabia.
All the breaking news in your hands and in all fields: political news, economic news, sports news and various other fields.
Iraq breaking news provides you with a bouquet of breaking news from various leading and reliable news sites.
Advanced notifications enable you to reach the latest news according to your interests. You can enable or disable notifications at any time.
Follow topics in your favorite interests and receive daily new news about your favorite topics.
In the end, do not forget to rate the application and send your suggestions to develop the application for the better.
Thank you.
Iraq News is a comprehensive application for websites and newspapers of interest to the citizens, the affairs of the Kingdom and daily life, in addition to an immediate and quick transfer of urgent and important options.
The application includes a very large group of sources, headed by Sabq newspaper, Al-Riyadh newspaper, Al-Watan newspaper, urgent newspaper, Al-Madina newspaper, Okaz newspaper, Al-Arabiya channel and other newspapers and channels in the most powerful application of news in the Arab world and Saudi Arabia.
Iraq Now is the first complete application for the news of the largest Saudi newspapers. It enables you to follow the news and display it in an appropriate and complete presentation (without repeating the news), including pictures and videos in full, not summaries like other applications.
- Iraq News enables you to follow the news of websites, newspapers and newspapers:
And it is easy for you to share on social sites.
- News can be shared via social networks, your e-mail, bluetooth or SMS
- This application is completely different from all other applications in terms of news speed and downloading the full news, not just quotes.
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