The exchange rate is a convenient and functional application that will help you find out daily updates on the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and currency quotes of banks, as well as exchange offices. Find out the cost of oil of various grades and precious metals, cryptocurrencies.
Main features and benefits:
- The exchange rate of the dollar, euro, pound and currencies of other countries against the ruble
- The exchange rate is updated online
- Convenient currency converter at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
- Rates of buying and selling currencies in exchangers
- Ability to view the exchange rate for a specific date
- The cost of precious metals (gold, platinum, silver, palladium and others)
- Cost of oil (Brent oil, WTI oil)
- Exchange trading schedule
- Cryptocurrency rate
Use our mobile application as a good tool for continuous monitoring of the market for currencies, cryptocurrencies and precious metals.
If you find failures, or you have questions, please write to us by mail
Your opinion is very important and valuable to us!
Main features and benefits:
- The exchange rate of the dollar, euro, pound and currencies of other countries against the ruble
- The exchange rate is updated online
- Convenient currency converter at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
- Rates of buying and selling currencies in exchangers
- Ability to view the exchange rate for a specific date
- The cost of precious metals (gold, platinum, silver, palladium and others)
- Cost of oil (Brent oil, WTI oil)
- Exchange trading schedule
- Cryptocurrency rate
Use our mobile application as a good tool for continuous monitoring of the market for currencies, cryptocurrencies and precious metals.
If you find failures, or you have questions, please write to us by mail
Your opinion is very important and valuable to us!
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