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About OSHINE-اوشاين

For Your Every Need, You Only Need The OSHINE Application!

The easy way to shop from home! Increase your shopping pleasure with the OSHINE application. By downloading the OSHINE application, you can find the answer to all your needs in one application. Brands' new season products, daily special offers and discounts that you cannot find anywhere else are with you wherever you go, at any time with the OSHINE mobile application! Take care of all your needs from hygiene products to computers.

Hundreds of Categories!

Shoes, Slippers, Accessories & Bags, Watches, Glasses, Underwear, Cosmetics & Personal Care, and much more!

Fast Delivery

Don't Miss the Special Offers

Search the product label on the OSHINE mobile application and enjoy real discounts.

Special Coupons for You, Price Alerts on your Favorite Products

Enjoy special coupons just for you with the OSHINE Application. Add the products you love to your favorites. With the price alert, we’ll notify you when there is a price decrease in the products you love.

Thousands of Clothing Brands!

24 Hour Shipping Opportunity

Let your needs come to your door quickly with the 24 hour shipping service!

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