Ore lavoro, Working timer, Dia icon

Ore lavoro, Working timer, Dia

App RGL90
10+ downloads

About Ore lavoro, Working timer, Dia

Version 3.1.1
Fixed some bugs when viewing widgets on the "Export data" page.
DARK MODE has been implemented, where you can choose between activated dark mode, deactivated dark mode, automatic dark mode.
Added "Cancel" button in dialogs with time picker.
Graphical improvement of the whole application.

Version 2.0
New functions have been introduced such as management and display of vacation and leave hours on a new page accessible from the side drawer.
Inside there is a table where are displayed:
The leave and leave hours accrued in the current year (A.C) and those accrued in the previous year (A.P).
Hours of vacation and residual leave A.C and A.P.
The hours of vacation and leave enjoyed by A.C. and A.P.
The total residual of leave and leave hours.
From the settings, you can manage the accrual of leave and leave hours as well as the actual increase in hours as in the paycheck.
A notification that can be customized to your liking has also been implemented.
Improved the "Export data" page where it is now possible to assign to the excel and txt files a different name from the one suggested, and the sheet name for the excel files. The "Export data" page becomes more dynamic and you can choose what to export.
This app can also be used as a "Diary" where you can annotate and comment day by day facts, events, memories etc ... and export as a text file in .doc or .txt format.

This app is created to save:
Useful for example for business travelers. The travel hours are added to the working hours
and is divided into "outward journey" and "return journey", so you will get the entry "total journey" = "outward journey" + "return journey".

The standard working hours can be changed from the settings, the standard hours called ordinary hours (usually 8h) if they are exceeded automatically the overtime hours are calculated at 32%.
From the settings it is possible to choose the weekend days (for example Saturday, Sunday) called "holidays" and are used to distinguish ordinary working days and specifically on these days the working hours are calculated as overtime at 50%.

Break hours are subtracted from working hours.

The user decides whether to subtract vacation hours / leave from work hours or simply save them as "view / remind".

The notes give you the opportunity to record and write anything, implemented to describe the working day and to have a chronological trace of the work done every day.
You can export your notes in .txt or .doc format.

It is possible to export working hours in .xls format in different models:
Model A - the total hours are entered for individual voices for total travel, ordinary hours, overtime, total holidays including details, user name and notes, etc.
Model B - the hours with start, end and total are entered for the individual items as well as details, user name and notes.
OTHER MODELS - suggestions, changes and improvements are accepted, contact app.rgl90@gmail.com.

From the settings you can customize the app to your needs.

• To calculate the hours, just select a start in hour format hh: mm (example 08:00) and an end to automatically calculate the total.
Example with 8 ordinary hours:
journey starting 07:00
journey end 08:30
total trip one hour 1.5h

return trip starts 17:00
return trip end 18:30
total trip one hour 1.5h
TOTAL 3.0h

work starts 08:30
work end 18:30
total work 10.0h

break beginning 12:00
break end 13:00
total work 1.0h
TOTAL 10 (work) - 1 (break) = 9 (total) = 8 (ordinary hours) + 1 (overtime).


Ore lavoro, Working timer, Dia Screenshots