Selfprep "UPSC IAS All in One" App provides study materials for Prelims and Mains Examination in one place.
The app is available in both English and Hindi.
Study materials include:
1. Syllabus
2. NCERT Books
3. Daily Current Affairs
4. Past Papers
5. Magazines
6. IGNOU, NIOS materials
7. Topper booklets
8. UPSC videos for preparation
9. Standard books to buy list
10. Optional subject notes
Source of Information:
Disclaimer: This app is intended for educational and informational purposes only and does not represent any government institution, and is made just to help students study for the UPSC examination. All the materials are copyrights of their owners. Any of their owners does not endorse these materials, and they are used purely and only for helping purposes. No copyright violation & infringement is intended, and any request to remove one of the materials will be honored. If any respective owner of the materials wants us to remove them, please contact us to solve the issue.
The app is available in both English and Hindi.
Study materials include:
1. Syllabus
2. NCERT Books
3. Daily Current Affairs
4. Past Papers
5. Magazines
6. IGNOU, NIOS materials
7. Topper booklets
8. UPSC videos for preparation
9. Standard books to buy list
10. Optional subject notes
Source of Information:
Disclaimer: This app is intended for educational and informational purposes only and does not represent any government institution, and is made just to help students study for the UPSC examination. All the materials are copyrights of their owners. Any of their owners does not endorse these materials, and they are used purely and only for helping purposes. No copyright violation & infringement is intended, and any request to remove one of the materials will be honored. If any respective owner of the materials wants us to remove them, please contact us to solve the issue.
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