It is a great work, an important topic, and a comprehensive study of what was mentioned in the Noble Qur’an and in the noble Prophet’s biography of mentioning diseases and their treatment, medication and its legality, prevention and their causes, which was known at that time. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, urged treatment and hospitalization by taking the causes, after seeking refuge in God, because Islam is a religion and a world, knowledge and work. He did not neglect what benefits the Muslim and strengthens him, and the goodness of the believer, weakness, and sickness, and the goodness of the believer are kept away from him. Not only on the spiritual side, but on the physical side as well. Physical well-being helps the Muslim to obey his Lord, the Lord, and do what he commanded of him of acts of worship that require effort, and transactions that require movement, health and wellness.
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