As a manufacturer of 40 years, the last 30 as the foreman, have constantly used trigonometry etc. to calculate cones, curves and more segmented. Currently workers constantly asking calculate developed length etc. to save them time and effort. I developed this application so that they can calculate for themselves and thus save "MY TIME"
With this angular branch developer, you can quickly develop patterns for branch pipe and the hole in the shell.
Enter the required details, ie, outer diameter of the branch and the peel angle of the branch, the branch length and if the thickness of the branch is necessary. Press developing and branch details and showed the hole are ready for marking directly on the material. This application is a great time saver when you consider that it is not necessary to draw the full size of the branch in two views and then transfer the lines of development etc. to determine the true joint line, or calculating the pitches of the lines of development.
All development branch pattern are to the outside diameter of the shell hole pattern and developments are to the outside diameter of the branch. If you need to work on the inside diameter of the branch to the hole pattern, then you can develop the branch using the outside diameter of the branch and shell as normal and mark off the branch, then redevelop the hole using inside branch diameter and the outside diameter of the shell, then the inside of the branch is flush with the edge of the hole.
Keep in mind! in the results screen, the pictures of the branch and hole patterns are representative only and show the general shape of the patterns
With this angular branch developer, you can quickly develop patterns for branch pipe and the hole in the shell.
Enter the required details, ie, outer diameter of the branch and the peel angle of the branch, the branch length and if the thickness of the branch is necessary. Press developing and branch details and showed the hole are ready for marking directly on the material. This application is a great time saver when you consider that it is not necessary to draw the full size of the branch in two views and then transfer the lines of development etc. to determine the true joint line, or calculating the pitches of the lines of development.
All development branch pattern are to the outside diameter of the shell hole pattern and developments are to the outside diameter of the branch. If you need to work on the inside diameter of the branch to the hole pattern, then you can develop the branch using the outside diameter of the branch and shell as normal and mark off the branch, then redevelop the hole using inside branch diameter and the outside diameter of the shell, then the inside of the branch is flush with the edge of the hole.
Keep in mind! in the results screen, the pictures of the branch and hole patterns are representative only and show the general shape of the patterns
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