This application stems from the need to sensitize people to the problem of cyberbullying. The use of the application is quite simple.
above the START key the user will type the region to which he belongs (for example lazio) in small block letters. Then there will be 10 questions with 3 possible answers each.
Two of the possible answers are almost similar, but one is the most exhaustive. Each time the button (green color) corresponding to a response is pressed, the number of the counter that will indicate will exit.
in real time, how many times that answer has been given. Once the questions have been answered, just press the key for the number of answers given.
presses the red button on the complete answers, in addition to appearing in the box below the number of answers exhaustive dates we will connect to a counter that will indicate
the number of times that the real-time application was used by a user of the region you typed before. As we scroll down the application,
there will be other keys to which if we want we can answer but it is not obligatory that they give a very general idea on the profile of the user but that they do not allow in any way,
to trace the identity of the person who uses the application. These keys that I have just mentioned are blue, pink and turquoise. They are pressed and answered
exhaustively to all the questions the number that will appear, will indicate the times in which the users have pressed that button and at the same time they have answered exhaustively to all the questions.
If, on the other hand, we do not fully answer all the questions and press one of those buttons (blue, pink, turquoise), then the number that appears will only indicate the number of times users have pressed that button.
The explanation given above is for a complete use of the application but it is not indispensable. For a simpler use, just press the keys from top to bottom, without going
to look at the number that will be displayed as you press the keys, as these numbers are all stored in real time.
If we want to query the system in real time, just press the white button with the words "REAL-TIME DATA ANALYSIS" placed at the end of the application, a window will appear in which the procedure to query the system is described.
It is obvious that every time we press a button or query the system a window opens and once we read the number we are looking for by enlarging the window with our fingers, to return to the application we must use the back button on the phone.
Greetings and thanks for reading this brief presentation.
above the START key the user will type the region to which he belongs (for example lazio) in small block letters. Then there will be 10 questions with 3 possible answers each.
Two of the possible answers are almost similar, but one is the most exhaustive. Each time the button (green color) corresponding to a response is pressed, the number of the counter that will indicate will exit.
in real time, how many times that answer has been given. Once the questions have been answered, just press the key for the number of answers given.
presses the red button on the complete answers, in addition to appearing in the box below the number of answers exhaustive dates we will connect to a counter that will indicate
the number of times that the real-time application was used by a user of the region you typed before. As we scroll down the application,
there will be other keys to which if we want we can answer but it is not obligatory that they give a very general idea on the profile of the user but that they do not allow in any way,
to trace the identity of the person who uses the application. These keys that I have just mentioned are blue, pink and turquoise. They are pressed and answered
exhaustively to all the questions the number that will appear, will indicate the times in which the users have pressed that button and at the same time they have answered exhaustively to all the questions.
If, on the other hand, we do not fully answer all the questions and press one of those buttons (blue, pink, turquoise), then the number that appears will only indicate the number of times users have pressed that button.
The explanation given above is for a complete use of the application but it is not indispensable. For a simpler use, just press the keys from top to bottom, without going
to look at the number that will be displayed as you press the keys, as these numbers are all stored in real time.
If we want to query the system in real time, just press the white button with the words "REAL-TIME DATA ANALYSIS" placed at the end of the application, a window will appear in which the procedure to query the system is described.
It is obvious that every time we press a button or query the system a window opens and once we read the number we are looking for by enlarging the window with our fingers, to return to the application we must use the back button on the phone.
Greetings and thanks for reading this brief presentation.
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