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공무원 한자 어원 연상 암기

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About 공무원 한자 어원 연상 암기

Chinese characters for public officials consist mainly of four-character vocabulary and two-character Chinese characters.
There is no difficulty in the four-character vocabulary. The problem is two characters.
It is a question that determines the discrimination power because the amount is large and the confusion of the solo sound is raised.

Only the'memory of 語源 association' solves'single'

The key to studying Chinese characters for civil servants is'exit' and'single'.
Above all,'singing sound' is important.
The main problem is the division of similar Chinese characters.
Thoroughly reminiscent of the memorization technique is required.
Germanic speech can only be solved with a refined'origin source' analysis.
Only'the etymological association recitation technique' can solve the problem of solo.

Take, for example, the Chinese character ‘이라는(Etiquette)’.
No matter how much he writes'Yesdo Yes', he quickly evaporates.
"Yeah, I'm good at making sacrifices."
Should be memorized.
It can be misread as'wind' due to 豊 (wind to be rich).
豊 is a "pung (쌓) that will be rich in food (음식)"
Should be memorized.

節 (word clause) is replaced with 櫛 (comb) to confuse.
"The thing that comes to the tree immediately (卽 immediately, that is, a node) is a node."
"A comb that cuts hair by carving a node on a tree."
Should be memorized.

Expand on this
豊 (the wind to be enriched) is often asked because the melody of 豊盛 is confused.
成, 誠, 城, 盛...
'Sex is the same, but it can't be matched if the meaning is not related.
"It is the sincerity that makes the word come true."
"Sung Castle built by building soil"
"The surname that will make the bowl overflow."
Should be memorized.

If you listen repeatedly by recording with a smartphone
As the etymology and text images are drawn, it becomes'long-term memory'.
Kanji is knowing at once that it should be'stuck' in your eyes. If it looks rough, it must fail.

Only'the etymological memorization technique' can solve the troublesome Chinese characters, especially the'singing'.

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