The app Erasmus+S.E.C.E.A. is the final product of the Erasmus+ project KA229 ``Sustain European Culture an Environment in an APP '' approved by the Italian National Agency INDIRE in 2018. It has been designed bythe international coordinator,IISS Augusto righi, Taranto,Italy, and contains all digital products made during the project’s life by the Partner institutions including Newark School form Sliema,Malta, Miron Costin from Bacau Romania, Ins Andreu Nin from Spain and Fortes Lyceum form Gorinchem, The Netherlands. The App is not commercial and contains informative and editorial authentic materials not designed for advertising or promotional purposes.
Content description:
- Videos of the experiences made by the delegations of students and teachers during the international meetings in Malta, Taranto, Romania and The Netherlands and the final dissemination online event. They record real activities such as conferences, study visits made on the spot , the intercultural exchange and the diary of the international week.
- Videos about Popular Culture made by students of partner schools
- Itineraries: Hidden Paths of Culture and Nature in Europe: Travel Guide for Young people. The eco itineraries are original and made by the students of partner schools guided by teachers during field trips and with internet research.They have been designed as a didactic model for Sustainable Development Education to make young people more conscious of the importance of European Cultural and Environmental Heritage, its safeguard and promotion.
- Eco campaign for Sustainable behaviour to be used in schools for improving pupils’ eco-friendly behaviour in school -related projects
- Interactive poster: In the poster The Unique Biodiversity of Taranto's two Seas, images of some of the most typical sea species of the Ionian Sea are shown with a brief description of the species and with videos showing these sea species in their natural habitat.The videos linked to the images are original and made for this project.
- Youth for Sustainability Magazine: It contains original posters and articles made by students of the parter schools about the Goals OF 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development such as Pollution and Climate Change, Clean Energies, Green Transport and Sustainable Tourism
- ebook Back to Mother Nature powered by the high school Augusto Righi, Italy with SCRIBA EPUB : once again the ebook contains science research made by the students of the partner schools about the Mountain habitat and the habitats of the partner countries and the experience lived in the forest of Slanic Moldova dring the international week in Romania.
- Poetry in Nature: All the lyrics are original and made by the international groups of students collaboratively during the creative workshop organized for The Spanish virtual meeting.
- Digital games: Socrative Wordwall and Mentimeter ( free version) were used to design didactic games for interactive lessons and workshops about the project topics.
Content description:
- Videos of the experiences made by the delegations of students and teachers during the international meetings in Malta, Taranto, Romania and The Netherlands and the final dissemination online event. They record real activities such as conferences, study visits made on the spot , the intercultural exchange and the diary of the international week.
- Videos about Popular Culture made by students of partner schools
- Itineraries: Hidden Paths of Culture and Nature in Europe: Travel Guide for Young people. The eco itineraries are original and made by the students of partner schools guided by teachers during field trips and with internet research.They have been designed as a didactic model for Sustainable Development Education to make young people more conscious of the importance of European Cultural and Environmental Heritage, its safeguard and promotion.
- Eco campaign for Sustainable behaviour to be used in schools for improving pupils’ eco-friendly behaviour in school -related projects
- Interactive poster: In the poster The Unique Biodiversity of Taranto's two Seas, images of some of the most typical sea species of the Ionian Sea are shown with a brief description of the species and with videos showing these sea species in their natural habitat.The videos linked to the images are original and made for this project.
- Youth for Sustainability Magazine: It contains original posters and articles made by students of the parter schools about the Goals OF 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development such as Pollution and Climate Change, Clean Energies, Green Transport and Sustainable Tourism
- ebook Back to Mother Nature powered by the high school Augusto Righi, Italy with SCRIBA EPUB : once again the ebook contains science research made by the students of the partner schools about the Mountain habitat and the habitats of the partner countries and the experience lived in the forest of Slanic Moldova dring the international week in Romania.
- Poetry in Nature: All the lyrics are original and made by the international groups of students collaboratively during the creative workshop organized for The Spanish virtual meeting.
- Digital games: Socrative Wordwall and Mentimeter ( free version) were used to design didactic games for interactive lessons and workshops about the project topics.
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