Kabylia Omani program means Bonsab and Ngjurat (nickname) for these tribes, and it's not a matter of ridicule, and what is a matter of Altendr sense of humor, in addition to that of genealogy information in the new version.
What distinguishes this program that is simple and easy to use and fast in the research process consists of a single page of Ngjurat and another for flowing, it is located in your phone when you want to go back to him to search at any time, especially at critical times with colleagues.
Search: tribes in alphabetical order in the list When you use the search can write the first letters of the name of the tribe or its title to show you to search the names that begin with those letters. Does not show you to search any information if I wrote letters to the center of the floor, immediately you will see the name of the tribe Search surnamed If pressed on the list for any tribe, the name you will see another page with ratios that tribe.
Maybe some lineages and titles of the tribes did not mention Awakhtona in names or titles, and because of the lack of sufficient information to these tribes, please send us an email mentioned below, in order to avoid these mistakes in transcription come.
Sources: genealogy, from public Gulf Gate section. The titles are circulating a copy of the Royal Court
This program developed by: Ali bin Abdullah bin Hamad al-Hashemi.
What distinguishes this program that is simple and easy to use and fast in the research process consists of a single page of Ngjurat and another for flowing, it is located in your phone when you want to go back to him to search at any time, especially at critical times with colleagues.
Search: tribes in alphabetical order in the list When you use the search can write the first letters of the name of the tribe or its title to show you to search the names that begin with those letters. Does not show you to search any information if I wrote letters to the center of the floor, immediately you will see the name of the tribe Search surnamed If pressed on the list for any tribe, the name you will see another page with ratios that tribe.
Maybe some lineages and titles of the tribes did not mention Awakhtona in names or titles, and because of the lack of sufficient information to these tribes, please send us an email mentioned below, in order to avoid these mistakes in transcription come.
Sources: genealogy, from public Gulf Gate section. The titles are circulating a copy of the Royal Court
This program developed by: Ali bin Abdullah bin Hamad al-Hashemi.
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