Prime factorization: If you enter a positive number to be factored into, it loads prime factors into the list. (Example: If you enter 6, the list shows 2 and 3.) Notification that loading is complete when loading is complete for numbers like 39292882943 send
Composite prime number: Determines whether a prime number or composite number is input. However, this also prevents the loading from taking a long time, so a message appears when loading is complete.
Quadratic equation: Calculate the x value of ax^2+bx+c. Imaginary is also supported.
System of Linear Equations: Simulates two linear equations. In the case of an identity (x+y=3, x+y=3) or a nonsensical expression (x+y=5, x+y=24), you are notified that the calculation is impossible.
Sigma: The number of degrees can be set with the yellow green button, and up to six degrees are supported. Kepler's Law: The 1st Law is explanatory only and has no formulas. The 2nd and 3rd laws can be calculated. However, the approximation of both the circumference ratio and the gravitational constant may not be very accurate. (However, the gravitational constant was obtained from the most accurate WMAP value). In the third law, the gray button changes the value of a and T.
Roche limit: The Roche limit finds the dependence of the satellite's hardness on the approach limiting satellite not being excavated by tidal forces with the gravitational force of the parent planet.
further explanation
The Roche limit explanation is excerpted from
The same description is at the bottom of the feature navigation section.
The circumference ratio is approximated with about 1000~90000 decimal places (I don't know exactly because I don't even leak), but due to the nature of the way this app was made, the circumference ratio is calculated by cutting it down to only 5~10 decimal places.
Please understand that there may be typos in the description.
Composite prime number: Determines whether a prime number or composite number is input. However, this also prevents the loading from taking a long time, so a message appears when loading is complete.
Quadratic equation: Calculate the x value of ax^2+bx+c. Imaginary is also supported.
System of Linear Equations: Simulates two linear equations. In the case of an identity (x+y=3, x+y=3) or a nonsensical expression (x+y=5, x+y=24), you are notified that the calculation is impossible.
Sigma: The number of degrees can be set with the yellow green button, and up to six degrees are supported. Kepler's Law: The 1st Law is explanatory only and has no formulas. The 2nd and 3rd laws can be calculated. However, the approximation of both the circumference ratio and the gravitational constant may not be very accurate. (However, the gravitational constant was obtained from the most accurate WMAP value). In the third law, the gray button changes the value of a and T.
Roche limit: The Roche limit finds the dependence of the satellite's hardness on the approach limiting satellite not being excavated by tidal forces with the gravitational force of the parent planet.
further explanation
The Roche limit explanation is excerpted from
The same description is at the bottom of the feature navigation section.
The circumference ratio is approximated with about 1000~90000 decimal places (I don't know exactly because I don't even leak), but due to the nature of the way this app was made, the circumference ratio is calculated by cutting it down to only 5~10 decimal places.
Please understand that there may be typos in the description.
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