Leo Mark M. Constantino
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Titallennials was the brainchild of 3 stay-at-home moms. Joan, Shella and Anna. We wanted to have our own business and earn our own money; not just to help our husbands, but to have a sense of fulfillment and to teach our kids the value of hard work and independence.

As modern parents, it was a bit of a task for us to always cook food from scratch. What with all the house chores, and bringing and fetching of kids to and from school and their numerous extracurricular activities. So many problems come to mind when cooking food. No Yaya, busy with work, long tests of the kids, don’t know how to cook, surprise visitors, too lazy, and the list goes on! That is why we thought of putting up a store that has us as its main market! Titas! We planned to start a mini-mart that sells frozen, ready-to-cook, or ready-to-heat dishes for parents on the go.

On August 2017, we rented a 9sqm garage space from a friend who lives near Anna’s kid’s school and built a makeshift store and we are still located in the same place!

A dear friend then suggested we make our own Viber group for our customers. This was a stroke of genius. We were able to accept orders all over Metro Manila and not just people who can walk into our store.

When the pandemic hit, we were blessed to have a channel to continue our small business. Our Viber community saved us. But now, we are moving forward, thinking big and looking for more ways to serve. Hence the birth of our website Titallennials


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