The timekeeping is used to measure the lap times of the ROBO2020 robotic competition. The timekeeping contains a matrix (display) of 16x8x8 points. Measurement is done by 2pcs IR gates. The total time of the competition (for each team) is 7 minutes. Each team has 3 attempts (within a total time of 7 minutes) to cross a defined route. The resulting times are sent from the timekeeping via USB to a computer where the measured data are displayed in Excel. This app allows you to control the timekeeping (start and stop measurements) using Bluetooth technology and display the measured times for each lap and the total time (displays 1, 2, 3 laps in ms between IR and START, STOP time, total team time (7 minutes), condition of the device (timekeeping) measurement / IR barrier test.
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