OracleBox icon


Brian Holloway
4.3 out of 5
100+ downloads

About OracleBox

OracleBox is our next step forwards in real time ITC communication apps that gives you 3 boxes in one in essence.
You have box A and box B and both have there own banks of audio and can be run independent of each other. You can also run them both together to give you a third combination and both boxed have been designed to blend together without interfering and effecting the other.
You can pick a sweep rate for each box which can be changed on the fly and then you just set whichever box going or both together the choice is yours. The slider is used to slow the rate at which the banks fire independent of the sweep rate which reduces the overall amount of audio being produced and in essence slows things down if needed.

We went for a different and unique design with this app which we feel gives it a little for personality and gives you a visual connection with the replies that you get

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