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CalVoice (calculadora por voz)

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About CalVoice (calculadora por voz)

~ Built-menu with Material Design

~ Added new algorithm for calculating the keyboard. Changes in the formulas, results, or toggle between the touch or voice

~ Amazing and powerful improvement in voice calculation engine. not only performs multiple calculations but it also now you can add parentheses raised to the fifth power, use the number pi, calculating with fractions brackets ...

eg 1 + ½ + (4 x 5-12.234) x 2 =
eg voice, one plus one divided by two plus four parenthesis five minus twelve point two three four two close parentheses.

~ By holding down the (x²) button will give you options for x ^ y, or (² √) button will let you lift up ⁶√. Button (%), give the number of pi (π), and golden ratio (φ), and (+ / -) button give ()

~ Extra section adds the flash on or off the LED. also do voice telling you to turn on or off the light

~ Converter units within the same calculator. Included in the menu or by activating the voice control, saying "unit converter"

~ Added menu with access to all settings of the calculator. Now you can access the settings, both voice and touch interaction.

~ A new permit is required to view the contents of the card if you want to put a calculator background photo

~ With the custom background with photos, color (or transparent) buttons, and you say your name when you start the program or results heard, this calculator becomes the most customizable and intelligent there.
besides being the only 100% free and without advertising.

~ Now you can customize the calculator more than ever. The only calculator you can add your own photos or capture them and wear them in an instant background on the calculator.
For example: Click the mic and say "pick a photo" or "open Camera". Once the selections, say: "transparent color" and have your photo and transparent numbers. You can also switch to different colors of buttons with your background.

~ I can also learn your name. Enables audio and vibration, and tell me: "Hello CalVoice". I ask you to tell me "it", and then your name.
Try to be in a place with low noise for recording.
Now I can count a mathematical joke every time you say hello.

~ You can ask me what time it is.

-implemented system "PEMDAS" calculation (according priority value calculation)

~ Some devices do not translate the number in letter a number. The program corrects it.

~ Expanded decimal language for voice recognition.

~ All functions are controlled; thus voice, as conventionally. We can calculate graphically, sine, cosine, tangent, Pythagorean theorem ... I can show multiplication tables, calculate decimal to binary, or vice versa.

~ Share the development and results of operations in any application you have on your mobile.

~ Cumulative Operations: You can go with operations both voice and written, and the result is still calculated.
If you are interested, you can change the result and continue operations.

~ All calculations are recorded. Records can be deleted voice, or the trash can icon

~ The keyboard layout as the system is practical and easy to use.

~ You can activate the haptic interaction, and audio for you to read operations and result.

~ If you say "help" a little explanation of what I can do Voice will open.

~ The voice usually requires interaction with the Internet. It is not for the program; only the configuration of your phone. To correct this, you have to go to Settings> General Administration> Language & input> virtual keyboard> Google voice typing> offline voice recognition. There you have to download the language used

CalVoice (calculadora por voz) Screenshots