MatayevStom - it's a private app business card dentist Mataeva Kuanysh Nurtayevich from Pavlodar (Kazakhstan). My attitude to the profession in good faith, honesty. With the help of the application you can see the list of services, and to contact a doctor and ask questions about dentistry.
MatayevStom - bұl қalasyndaғy Pavlodar (Kazakhstan) dәrіger dentist Mataev Қuanysh Nұrtayұlynyң Zheke қosymsha-vizitkasy. Menin kәsіbi қyzmetke Degen kөzқarasym Adal. Қosymsha arқyly қyzmet kөrsetuler tіzіmіmen tanysuғa Bolado zhane dәrіgermen baylanysқa shyғyp, dentistry boyynsha sұraқtar қoyuғa Bolado.
MatayevStom - this is a personal application-card of the dentist Matayev Kuanysh Nurtaevich from the city of Pavlodar (Kazakhstan). My attitude to professional activity is honest, decent. Using the application, you can see the list of services, as well as contact the doctor and ask questions about dentistry.
MatayevStom - bұl қalasyndaғy Pavlodar (Kazakhstan) dәrіger dentist Mataev Қuanysh Nұrtayұlynyң Zheke қosymsha-vizitkasy. Menin kәsіbi қyzmetke Degen kөzқarasym Adal. Қosymsha arқyly қyzmet kөrsetuler tіzіmіmen tanysuғa Bolado zhane dәrіgermen baylanysқa shyғyp, dentistry boyynsha sұraқtar қoyuғa Bolado.
MatayevStom - this is a personal application-card of the dentist Matayev Kuanysh Nurtaevich from the city of Pavlodar (Kazakhstan). My attitude to professional activity is honest, decent. Using the application, you can see the list of services, as well as contact the doctor and ask questions about dentistry.
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