The application, developed by prof. Roberto Rossi in collaboration with the students of the 5th class Business Information Systems of the Technical Economic address of the “Cassata - Gattapone” Institute, allows you to locate all the football facilities in Umbria, both 5-a-side and 11-a-side football. The project was born in collaboration with the Regional Referees Commission of Umbria (which was part of Prof. Roberto Rossi, who led the project and is also a Computer Science teacher of the class in question) and responds to the need that young referees have. and young players with their families to quickly trace the playing facilities in which the matches are held which, except in the larger cities, are often poorly marked and difficult to find by address, in many cases not very indicative. The students surveyed and geolocated more than 500 systems and, through a simple interface, the application allows you to view the map of the desired system and then, interfacing with the well-known Google Maps, allows you to trace the itinerary and guide the the user to the goal, using the GPS sensor of the smartphone. The application, therefore, avoids users having to manually search for the system, and guides them quickly using the classification and filter by municipality and locality, which allows immediate localization of the chosen system. The project is a real indicator of the quality of the skills acquired by the students of the "Cassata - Gattapone" Economic Technical Course in the implementation and integration of new technologies and it is significant of how virtuous the collaboration relationship between school and territory can be, even with important sporting entities such as the Italian Referees Association, in this case in its regional structure.
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