This calculator provides the user with the calculation step by step various topics of Analytic Geometry. Through their results, we can think analytically about geometric objects represented in the Cartesian plane. In this application, we can calculate and display the formulas of the following: distance between two points, Midpoint of a segment, alignment condition 3 points, triangular area via vertices, slope, reduced the line equation, general equation of the line, equation line of segmental, relative position between two lines, distance of a point to a line and circle equation.
This calculator can also be thought of as a possibility to assist teachers in the classroom as an instructional teaching tool of great value to the student, which in turn can make direct and indirect checks with this tool.
This calculator can also be thought of as a possibility to assist teachers in the classroom as an instructional teaching tool of great value to the student, which in turn can make direct and indirect checks with this tool.
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