FASTCALLS is just for everyone who has numbers of contacts frequently to call. Usefull on job to manage representative, branches, customers...
On only one screen are schown up to 45 contacts to call by one simple click or two if you need to validate it.
Easy and fast to configure, the contacts are selected from the phonebook and editet as you prefer.
The contacts are listed in three different lists/categories whose name is changeble according to your needing (for example Friends, Collegues and Customers or Friends Work and Soccer ...).
Is also avvaillable a 150 contact version for a fee.
On only one screen are schown up to 45 contacts to call by one simple click or two if you need to validate it.
Easy and fast to configure, the contacts are selected from the phonebook and editet as you prefer.
The contacts are listed in three different lists/categories whose name is changeble according to your needing (for example Friends, Collegues and Customers or Friends Work and Soccer ...).
Is also avvaillable a 150 contact version for a fee.
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