Hyphenation any word in Spanish instantaneously unused data connection.
- Requires Internet for hyphenation.
- No delays.
- Powered by www.buscapalabras.com.ar for the algorithm silabeador
- Detection and marking:
. Hiatuses
. Diphthongs
. Triphthongs
- Analysis of stress and hyphenation with:
. Number of syllables.
. Emphasis: acute, severe, esdrújula, etc.
. Stressed syllable.
. Letter tonic
- Requires Internet for hyphenation.
- No delays.
- Powered by www.buscapalabras.com.ar for the algorithm silabeador
- Detection and marking:
. Hiatuses
. Diphthongs
. Triphthongs
- Analysis of stress and hyphenation with:
. Number of syllables.
. Emphasis: acute, severe, esdrújula, etc.
. Stressed syllable.
. Letter tonic
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