Chemistry in Hindi(रसायन विज्ञान) application provide various Chemistry topics with Notes , MCQ and Formula for competitive and other exam preparation in Hindi Language.
This application helpful to students and other people who are preparing for government entrance exams like AVVNL, RPSC, SSC, Railway, UPSC, NCERT, MPSC, HPSC, JKPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, UPPCS, TPSC, CGPSC and other exam.
Read and practice various topics of Chemistry and increase knowledge using this application.
App present information using very easy and interactive ways……
# Notes/Formula(सूत्र) - Read various topics and formula.
# MCQ - Practice various questions with different options.
# Important (महत्वपूर्ण) : Read important information in set wise.
Feature :-
* Beautiful,Easy and user friendly interface.
* Choose text size for better readability.
* Bookmark facility(Only notes)
* All Content provided in Hindi Language so easy to read and understand.
Disclaimer :-
All type of content present in this application is collected from different sources also do not provide any kind of guarantee.If there is any issue or violates your any type of rights please send us email at “”.
This application helpful to students and other people who are preparing for government entrance exams like AVVNL, RPSC, SSC, Railway, UPSC, NCERT, MPSC, HPSC, JKPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, UPPCS, TPSC, CGPSC and other exam.
Read and practice various topics of Chemistry and increase knowledge using this application.
App present information using very easy and interactive ways……
# Notes/Formula(सूत्र) - Read various topics and formula.
# MCQ - Practice various questions with different options.
# Important (महत्वपूर्ण) : Read important information in set wise.
Feature :-
* Beautiful,Easy and user friendly interface.
* Choose text size for better readability.
* Bookmark facility(Only notes)
* All Content provided in Hindi Language so easy to read and understand.
Disclaimer :-
All type of content present in this application is collected from different sources also do not provide any kind of guarantee.If there is any issue or violates your any type of rights please send us email at “”.
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