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Freya Bücher

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About Freya Bücher

Now you can discover our books with the free app Freya interactive. Videos, additional content and more information from the Freya books increase your reading pleasure and offer fascinating insights.
You need to scan only one set of images from the Freya books from your smartphone or tablet and you can take advantage of additional content and information.

How it works: Open the app, select your Freya book from the list and press "Scan Picture" link. Your phone's camera is automatically activated. Keep your smartphone or tablet in each case over the images in your book, which are provided with a small phone icon. Already the interactive element opens by itself.

Discover our books interactive: informative videos, practical tips, a lot of information, and much more ...


- Exclusive additional content around herbs, medicine, nature, beauty, sustainability, nutrition and cooking
- A variety of information and deepening knowledge
- Insights into the work of the authors


- Should not be recognized the pictures of the app, please make sure that the book is sufficiently illuminated and reduce them where appropriate, the distance from the camera.
- your electronic device must be connected to the Internet.

Freya Bücher Screenshots