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Love Meditation

Meditation Society of Australia
3.7 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Love Meditation

"MY OWN MEDITATION" allows meditators to combine timed silence, guided meditation and music into one meditation..

Wake up to music, guided meditations or "MY OWN MEDITATION"

Entire app is installed to phone - it does not need internet access so you can meditate anywhere - on a train, in a plane, on the beach, out in the bush..

Widget updates every 30 mins or when clicked with inspirational affirmations

Now 16 guided meditations available and 20 meditation music.

Free learning to meditate resources including guided meditations, meditation classes, essays, meditation music and much more for the beginner or experienced meditator.. From the Meditation Society of Australia all resources are free.

We are the creators of Open Source Meditation, a non-profit, open exploration of all meditation techniques, styles and traditions without any of the obligations or hidden agendas.

Open Source Meditation is open, rational and logical. It says real meditation is not exclusive to one religion or one meditation technique or science or even one sport or one field of art or creative expression. Meditation is free and open to all just as open source software is free and open.

Meditation put simply, is the new common sense. It should not be encumbered by the fundamentalism of one group, religion or even science. Secularists and atheists can meditate just as effectively as meditators that are religious, whether that be Christian meditation, or Buddhist meditation, transcendental meditation, pyramid meditation, zen meditation, chakra meditation or Islamic styles of meditation.

Nearly all popular meditation groups are tied to a specific style or religion. Some, for example, advocate just one meditation technique, mantra meditation, and to be financially committed to their group.

Most religious meditation groups similarly focus on their religion and usually one meditation technique, for example, mindfulness meditation. Open Source Meditation is no different to Open Source software, multiple contributors develop and evolve the functionality for the benefit of all.

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