Ovarian Cyst Ablation Device
Novel Device for Management of Cystic Ovarian Disease (COD) in
Cattle and Buffaloes]
Cystic Ovarian Disease
• Cystic ovarian degeneration (COD) is considered as one of cattle's most important
causes of reproductive failure.
• Cystic ovarian follicles (COF) lead to prolonged calving to conception interval,
reduced milk production and increased culling rate which aggravates the economic
losses to the farmers.
• The condition develops when a mature follicle fails to ovulate and persists without
formation of corpus leuteum (CL) .
• Its incidence varies of from 3.75 to 18.8% in cattle & buffalo
Novel Device for Management of Cystic Ovarian Disease (COD) in
Cattle and Buffaloes]
Cystic Ovarian Disease
• Cystic ovarian degeneration (COD) is considered as one of cattle's most important
causes of reproductive failure.
• Cystic ovarian follicles (COF) lead to prolonged calving to conception interval,
reduced milk production and increased culling rate which aggravates the economic
losses to the farmers.
• The condition develops when a mature follicle fails to ovulate and persists without
formation of corpus leuteum (CL) .
• Its incidence varies of from 3.75 to 18.8% in cattle & buffalo
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