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B.O.S.S. App

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About B.O.S.S. App

CEO of B.O.S.S. Class LLC & Journey Untold LLC, author, self-made multi-millionaire and influencer has been successfully selling on Amazon for thirteen years. She educates others on how to build a profitable Amazon business online that creates unlimited freedom. Allowing them to relax and enjoy many diverse, wonderful life experiences.

Certified Worldwide Mental Health Advocate and keynote motivational speaker Ms. Hall has experienced firsthand the devastating impact of untreated neurosis. On her global mission to raise awareness for psychological wellness, she reaches out to educators, teens and family members struggling to cope with their loved one’s debilitating symptoms.

Strengthened by her life story, Yassin has published the BOSS app to teach aspiring entrepreneurs how to start an online business, sell products, and gain passive income.

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