KURDISH pandi peshinan پندی پی icon

KURDISH pandi peshinan پندی پی

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About KURDISH pandi peshinan پندی پی

KURDISH pandi peshinan is most important and famous proverb of kurdistan . all thing that people say in there speech every day we collected it into this application . like A bird is known by its notes and a man by his talk
Cheating play never thrives
A burnt child dreads the fire
Business is business
The cat dreams of mice
What can you expect from a hog
but a grunt?and
The weakest go to the wall and A well be hanged for a sheep and as a for a lamp
We have sown our wild oats and
We haven’t got the slightest and chance
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and
Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched and
Strike while the iron is hot and
One touch of nature makes and the whole world kin and
The only answer to fool is silence and
One is as bad as the other
and another .and...


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