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Basic of Physics

Pro Learning Apps
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About Basic of Physics

In Simple Words Physics is the study of energy and matter in space and time and how they are related to each other. Physicists assume the existence of mass, length, time and electric current and then define (give the meaning of) all other physical quantities in terms of these basic units.

For what audience is this app intended?

This tutorial is designed exclusively for:

The students preparing for the different competitive exams including Civil Services, SSC, Banking, Railway, Eligibility Test, IAS, PCS, and all other competitive exams of such kind.

What prerequisites are necessary?

This tutorial is partly based on NCERT Physics (class 8th to 10th) i.e. Part I and Part 2 is prepared from the different reliable sources and represents largely the significant facts and figures vital for the competitive exams. This tutorial starts with the basic concepts of Physics; however, prior experience of reading the NCERT science (Physics) books is recommended for the easy understanding.

What chapters does this app contain?

Physics - Introduction
Physics - Force and Pressure
Physics - Friction
Physics - Some Natural Phenomena
Physics - Motion
Physics - Force and Laws of Motion
Physics - Gravitation
Physics - Mass and Weight
Physics - Work and Energy
Physics - Light
Physics - Reflection and Refraction
Images Formed by Spherical Mirrors
Physics - Refraction of Light
Physics - Spherical Lenses
The Human Eye & Colorful World
Refraction of Light Through a Prism
Physics - Electricity
Chemical Effects of Electric Current
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Physics - Electric Motor
Physics - Source of Energy
Physics - Sound Part I
Physics - Sound Part II
Speed of Sound in Different Media
Physics - The Solar System
Physics - Stars and The Solar System
Physics - Branches
Physics - Acoustics
Physics - Biophysics
Physics - Econophysics
Physics - Geophysics
Physics - Nanotechnology
Physics - Neurophysics
Physics - Psychophysics
Physics - Astrophysics
Physics - Measurement Units
Major Instruments & Their Uses
Inventions and Inventors in Physics
Physics - Timeline in Physics
Physics - Unsolved Problems
Physics - Terminologies in Physics
Major Theories and Laws in Physics
Physics - Nobel Prize in Physics
Physics - Awards Given in Physics
Scientific Units Named After Inventors
Physics - Top Institutes

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