Food related choices have an important impact on health. Many times people are away from homes travelling or staying far for different reasons. Having fast food or restaurant food have resulted in diseases. Increasing obesity, diabetes or other metabolic diseases could be significantly controlled with good and healthy food habits. Therefore, to provide quality and healthy food as if it was from one’s own kitchen, this web application provides an easy solution where the healthy home food seeker “foodie” could interact with home food provider “chef”. The goal of this project is to develop an application which provides the user, a platform to share home cooked food. This application brings an easy-to-use interface so that the provider could share the food they have prepared in their kitchen along with the price and the service receiver user could search the food they would like to eat and can easily locate the cook in geographical proximity. Both users – chef and foodie have their dedicated user accounts to keep track of their food listings, order history and transactions. The system not only benefits the user but also for provider (women) who provides food service, so that they can be financially benefited.
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