Matthew 24:14[NIV]
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
* Tamil and English versions of Holy Bibles are available in OFFLINE (Internet connection is not required while using the App.).
Holy English Bible Versions:
1. AMPlified
2. New International Version
3. New King James Version
4. New Revised Standard Version
5. New Living Translation
6. King James Version
Holy Tamil Bible Versions:
1. Tamil O.V-BSI
2. Tamil O.V
* Following options are available to view the Holy Bible.
1. Tamil
2. Tamil and English
3. English
4. English and Tamil
* Online Tamil and English Audio Bibles are the additional feature.
* Search verse(s) with a short code format.
* Save three Bible readings.
* Search History - you can find the last 50 searched verses.
* Customize the color settings for the Bible verse.
* Customize the font to view the Bible verse.
* Search Tamil Bible verse(s) by Romanized tamil letters, Google tamil indic keyboard and in English.
Tamil Indic Keyboard:
தானி 1 19
தானியேல் 1 19
யோசு 8 3
யோசுவா 8 3,4,7-9
Romanized Tamil letters:
thaani 1 19
haaniyEl 1 19
Search in English:
Dan 1 19
Daniel 1 19,20
* Compare each Tamil/English verse with other Tamil/English versions.
* Search a word in Tamil/English Bible and compare the verse with other Tamil/English versions.
* Sharing options are available for the following activities(single verse, compared verses, word search and verse of the day.)
* Verse underlining feature to mark/highlight the verse.
* User friendly interface.
God Bless You.
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
* Tamil and English versions of Holy Bibles are available in OFFLINE (Internet connection is not required while using the App.).
Holy English Bible Versions:
1. AMPlified
2. New International Version
3. New King James Version
4. New Revised Standard Version
5. New Living Translation
6. King James Version
Holy Tamil Bible Versions:
1. Tamil O.V-BSI
2. Tamil O.V
* Following options are available to view the Holy Bible.
1. Tamil
2. Tamil and English
3. English
4. English and Tamil
* Online Tamil and English Audio Bibles are the additional feature.
* Search verse(s) with a short code format.
* Save three Bible readings.
* Search History - you can find the last 50 searched verses.
* Customize the color settings for the Bible verse.
* Customize the font to view the Bible verse.
* Search Tamil Bible verse(s) by Romanized tamil letters, Google tamil indic keyboard and in English.
Tamil Indic Keyboard:
தானி 1 19
தானியேல் 1 19
யோசு 8 3
யோசுவா 8 3,4,7-9
Romanized Tamil letters:
thaani 1 19
haaniyEl 1 19
Search in English:
Dan 1 19
Daniel 1 19,20
* Compare each Tamil/English verse with other Tamil/English versions.
* Search a word in Tamil/English Bible and compare the verse with other Tamil/English versions.
* Sharing options are available for the following activities(single verse, compared verses, word search and verse of the day.)
* Verse underlining feature to mark/highlight the verse.
* User friendly interface.
God Bless You.
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