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Biblia Kadosh

KJV Bible offline
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About Biblia Kadosh

This application lets you read and hear the translation Kadosh Messianic Jewish Bible (KDSH), edited by Diego Ascunce in 2003.
The Kadosh Israelite version is the true translation of the Scriptures Complete Study unmanipulated and helps the reader understand the true meaning of the word.

Studying the Bible has never been so easy, simple and free!

Download it with confidence and share what you learn with your friends and family. We are confident that this application will be very useful and fill your life with happiness.

Kadosh Bible is available for download, has audio and works offline. You can read or listen to the Bible offline after downloading on your phone or tablet.

More features:

1- audio Bible
For those who can not read the Bible, we added the ability to listen: Enjoy the Word of God in audio!
Touch the audio icon to select the chapter or verse you want to hear. You can adjust the sound settings (speed, volume, treble, bass, etc.)

2- Select and save verses
While reading the Bible, tap verse to save and add it to a favorites list. You can access them whenever you want.

3- Add notes
Personalize your Bible study write notes, comments and thoughts.

4- Quick and easy navigation between books and verses
You can easily search for any word, verse or book using our keyword search fast and efficient.

5- Send and share verses
Send verses to friends via text message, WhatsApp or email and share them through social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

7- Font Size
Change the font size of the Bible according to your preference. Choose from a scale sizes quickly and easily.

Night mode 8-
The user can activate at any time day or night mode. If you like reading the Bible in her bed at night, select the night mode that dims the screen and easy to read.

Do not hesitate. Bible Kadosh be a blessing in your life. Read or listen to the Bible that will bring you closer to the truth of the one Lord, our God.

The Bible bears the names Kadosh in Hebrew. Here is the list of biblical books in Hebrew and Spanish:

Old Testament books: Bereshit (Genesis), Shemot (Exodus), Vayiqra (Leviticus), Bamidbar (Numbers) Devarim (Deuteronomy), Yehoshua (Joshua), Shofetim (Judges), Ruth (Ruth), Shemu'el Aleph ( 1 Samuel), Bet Shemu'el (2 Samuel), Melakhim Alef (1 Kings), Melakhim Bet (2 Kings), Divre Hayamim Alef (1 Chronicles), Divre HaYamim Bet (2 Chronicles), Ezra (Ezra), Nechemyah (Nehemiah), Esther (Esther), Iyov (Job), Tehillim (Psalms), Mishle (Proverbs), Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes), Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs), Yeshayahu (Isaiah), Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah), Ekhah ( Lamentations), Yejezqel (Ezekiel), Daniyel (Daniel), Hoshea (Hosea) Yoel (Joel), Amos (Amos), Ovadyah (Obadiah), Yonah (Jonah), Mikah (Micah), Nachum (Nahum), Havaquq ( Hab), Tzefanyah (Zephaniah), Hagay (Ageo), Zekharyah (Zacharias), Malaakhí (Mal)

New Testament books: Matityahu (Matthew), Marcos (Marcos), Luke (Lucas), Johanan (John), Maaseh Shelujim (Acts), Romiyim (Rom), Qorintiyim Aleph (1 Corinthians), Qorintiyim Bet (2 Corinthians) Galatiyim (Gal), Efesiyim (Eph), Filipiyim (Phil), Qolasiyim (Col.), Tesalonigim Aleph (1 Thes), Tesalonigim Bet (2 Thes), Timotios Alef (1 Timothy), Timotios Bet (2 Timothy), Titos ( Tito), Philemon (Philemon), Ivrim (Hebrews), James (Santiago), Kefa Alef (1 Peter), Kefa Bet (2 Peter), Yochanan Alef (1 John) Yochanan Bet (2 John) Yochanan Gimel (3 Juan), Yehudah (Judas), Chazon Hitgalut (Revelation)