Mój BIK - bezpieczne finanse icon

Mój BIK - bezpieczne finanse

Biuro Informacji Kredytowej S.A.
4.4 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Mój BIK - bezpieczne finanse

At any time, you can check what information about your credits and loans is seen by banks and other financial institutions. You will find out about an attempt to phishing your data. You can also protect your loved ones.

• BIK notifications, i.e. basic information about data changes in BIK or BIG InfoMonitor
• possibility to reserve an identity card, useful in case of its loss or theft

Paid offer:
You can decide whether you use an individual offer or provide protection to your loved ones as well.

In each paid variant you get:
BIK report - all information from BIK and BIG InfoMonitor on your loans and credits
BIK Alerts - SMS about each phishing attempt with the use of your personal data and possible delays in repayment of your loans
• easy access to BIK score (scoring) and other indicators that show the current status of your liabilities
• the ability to use the BIK Credit Analyzer, where you can calculate your chances of getting a loan; The analyzer takes into account your credit history - just like banks do.

Choose the subscription that best suits your needs!

Offer for you - PLN 69.99/quarter:
BIK report (detailed information about your credits and loans) you can check as often as you want, without any additional payments. Thanks to this, you have full control of your liabilities.
• You protect yourself against scams thanks to BIK Alerts.
• You always have up-to-date indices that quickly help you assess your creditworthiness.
• You can use the BIK Credit Analyzer without limits, thanks to which you calculate your chances of getting a loan just like banks do.

Offer for you and your loved ones - from PLN 129.99/year::
BIK alerts for you and up to 4 charges - thanks to them you protect yourself and your loved ones against extortion. Each of you receives BIK alerts about yourself. You as a guardian will additionally receive an SMS when one of your charges receives a BIK Alert (to help block possible extortion).
• You can all use BIK Reports and BIK Credit Analyzer. The number of available reports depends on the selected offer.
• Each family member has their own BIK account, under which they have access to all functionalities, e.g. to the always up-to-date indices that help in assessing creditworthiness.

Mój BIK - bezpieczne finanse Screenshots