For RF users:
To purchase the application, use the application:
If you have any difficulties with payment, write to us by e-mail, we will solve the problem with payment.
Delta Test ISPS - Security of ships and port facilities
The application contains a database of questions and answers that will help you prepare for the delta test in the following specialties:
- ship security officer (SSO);
- crew members with assigned ship security duties
- crew members who do not have assigned ship security duties;
All questions are divided into categories:
- Technical means and security systems.
- General requirements for chapter XI-2 of SOLAS and ISPS MC.
- Inspection, checks and control of the protection of objects.
- Protection of objects, plan of protection, training of personnel for the protection of objects.
- Countering piracy.
There is a convenient search for the entire database of questions.
There is a training test that you can set up yourself.
1. All questions and answers are taken from open sources on the Internet. There may be errors and the absence of some questions that are present in the original test. Please report any errors or inaccuracies to our e-mail.
2. On older devices, the first launch of the application may take some time 15-30 seconds due to the creation of a large database of questions. Do not close the application until it is fully loaded.
For RF users:
To purchase the application, use the application:
If you have any difficulties with payment, write to us by e-mail, we will solve the problem with payment.
Delta Test ISPS - Security of ships and port facilities
The application contains a database of questions and answers that will help you prepare for the delta test in the following specialties:
- ship security officer (SSO);
- crew members with assigned ship security duties
- crew members who do not have assigned ship security duties;
All questions are divided into categories:
- Technical means and security systems.
- General requirements for chapter XI-2 of SOLAS and ISPS MC.
- Inspection, checks and control of the protection of objects.
- Protection of objects, plan of protection, training of personnel for the protection of objects.
- Countering piracy.
There is a convenient search for the entire database of questions.
There is a training test that you can set up yourself.
1. All questions and answers are taken from open sources on the Internet. There may be errors and the absence of some questions that are present in the original test. Please report any errors or inaccuracies to our e-mail.
2. On older devices, the first launch of the application may take some time 15-30 seconds due to the creation of a large database of questions. Do not close the application until it is fully loaded.
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